Use "recoup|recouped|recouping|recoups" in a sentence

1. We recouped the show's expenses from ticket sales.

2. I shall recoup my losses.

3. Telecoms companies are casting around for ways of recouping huge losses.

4. He was desperate to try and recoup his losses.

5. Olaf died in battle, attempting to recoup his losses.

6. He didn't recoup his health until recently.

7. It is impossible for me to recoup.

8. I will recoup you for any money you spend.

9. Photo: Ian Jackson How are you going to recoup your investment?

10. They estimate they will have recouped the £500 outlay within seven years.

11. The cheapest proposal would still need five years to recoup its costs.

12. Their ambivalence gave us a chance to play for time and recoup.

13. Three of the team are actively involved with Recoup.

14. Sears is yet to recoup its investment in Discover.

15. They are trying to recoup themselves for their losses.

16. Insurance companies are trying to recoup their losses by increasing premiums.

17. • The free ISP business model is based on the idea of recouping access costs through advertising and sponsorship.

18. The company has been forced to sell land to recoup some of the losses.

19. Barneys said it will sue partner Isetan to recoup more than $ 50 million.

20. Employers also wished to retain skilled labour to recoup their investment in training costs.

21. However, the inherent change of mode adds extra costs, which cannot be recouped over short-distance rail movements.

22. The movie will have to be a huge hit to recoup its cost.

23. San Marcos seeks to recoup more than $ 4 million it was forced to allocate for low-income housing.

24. Thus nowadays a company may have less than a decade in which to recoup its investment.

25. Among eliminated values are programme support costs allocated to recoup administrative costs relating to administering extrabudgetary activities.

26. Its construction costs of 3.6 million gold marks were recouped through tolls within three years although tolls continued to be levied until 1912.

27. A major part of the necessary investment is already commercially viable – with the additional investment recouped via reduced energy bills.

28. Furthermore, if debts are not repaid, creditors will also be able to recoup their costs for collecting bad debts.

29. If you default on your loan, the bank can sell the car and recoup the rest of its money.

30. While attempting to recoup some of its losses, Codelco is seeking unspecified damages from the defendants.

31. If a borrower defaults on the loan, the lender can seize the Collateral and sell it to recoup its

32. 23 While Brya declines to disclose the cost to develop the app, he says the investment was recouped within the first 40 days.

33. The government has spent £1 billion on the Expo site alone and expects to recoup the cost from the visitors.

34. To recoup the money, Le Chiffre sets up a high-stakes Texas hold 'em tournament at the Casino Royale in Montenegro.

35. The indispensable solution to combat this financial crisis and to recoup the economic damage sustained, is to allow certain competitors to Cartelise

36. Crematoriums need an initial investment for a building and equipment, but can often recoup their initial investment fairly quickly

37. The battle ends in a stalemate and both the Evolved and the Survivors retreat to recoup their losses for the next 40 years.

38. As a gentlemen, I gave you a chance to recoup, but I ain't convinced you got the pockets to pay what you owe, cowboy.

39. The Breakeven evaluates how long it will take for you to recoup the dollar investment you make in a refinance

40. The finance branch simply wants charges that are high enough to recoup the costs of building and running the plant.

41. In an attempt to recoup profits and meet demand, some American turquoise is treated or enhanced to a certain degree.

42. In exchange, some performers are paid an advance on royalties and enjoy payments only once the phonogram producer has recouped the initial advance and made any contractually defined deductions.

43. He made two desperate attempts to recoup by staging the kind of garish spectacle that had once lured customers to the Falls.

44. In exchange, performers are paid an advance on royalties and enjoy payments only once the phonogram producer has recouped the initial advance and made any contractually defined deductions.

45. And then, before you know it, it's Labor Day and I'm in hock to you and the bank and you force a sale, recoup your investment with interest.

46. Collateral ensures that the borrower will repay a loan as agreed or, if the borrower defaults, provides the lender with a way to recoup its losses

47. Perhaps Denmark has the right idea when it comes to imposing a significant tax burden on drivers so as to recoup the environmental costs of burning gasoline .

48. Domestic private finance will constitute a large part of the necessary investments, not only in developed countries but also in developing countries; a major part of these investment is already commercially viable – with the additional investment recouped via reduced energy bills.

49. Of the film's $2.289 million negative cost – twice the cost of Snow White – Disney only recouped $1 million by late 1940, with studio reports of the film's final original box office take varying between $1.4 million and $1.9 million.

50. You’re essentially promising the lender that they get to take that Collateral if you stop making payments, and if that happens, the lender will then sell the Collateral to recoup their losses

51. He has claimed that he originally intended to recoup $150,000 in debts for drugs shipped during the Allied intervention, but was soon moved by a capitalistic and philanthropic interest in selling wheat to the then-starving Russians.

52. ISS defines “Clawback” as a company’s ability to recoup performance-based awards (including any cash-based incentive awards, at a minimum) in the event of fraud, restatement of results, errors/omissions or other activities related to the above.

53. Shopping in the Amish country after the holiday was the best time ever for my daughter,myself and 2 teenage Grandaughters.Great shopping,great food and the Wallhouse hotel made for a memorable mini vaca to relax and recoup from the Holiday madness.Highly recommended

54. ‘It's a Bolthole when domestic pressures become too great.’ ‘He has a palatial house in a smart part of London and a Bolthole in Hertfordshire.’ ‘For an artist such as Eyton, a studio is a bolt-hole - a private space to recoup his energies, regain his equilibrium and gather his sketches and thoughts.’

55. Contuse illegal syntax ninety (adj.) marine plant missus prose streetwise platigi bramka negacji Flush (u.E.) (S) roztropny nálalabag sa lakad ng katalagahan odraza (idle) talk; prattle, patter analoge gegevens gebed chested rozmach To recover, to recoup, to regain magenta martyr 豊饒 biogenesis to get into, to go into, to fit, to be fit for